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圖片來源:博客來 |
我還有一大堆這種例子, 都是無法堅持到最後一哩才產生問題, 不只是醫療方面的問題, 這裡還有其他科技上的問題, 像是農業。 我們以為會有糧食危機,所以我們製造出新品種的種子; 我們以為農人的收入會是問題, 所以我們開發新的農耕技術以提升收入。 嗯,我們來看看以前的老方法,那些我們已經實行多年的老方法, 例如交叉耕作。交叉耕作確實能增加農民的收入, 在耕作稻米時,有時我們會發現,當你將不同品種的稻米 一排一排地交叉耕作時,其產量會出奇地高。 有些人會這樣做, 但大部分的人不採用這種方法,為什麼? 這就是最後一哩的問題, 每一個例子的問題都出在最後一哩。原文:
Here I have a bunch of other examples, all suffer from the last mile problem. It's not just medicine. Here's another example from technology: agriculture. We think there's a food problem, so we create new seeds. We think there's an income problem, so we create new ways of farming that increase income. Well, look at some old ways, some ways that we'd already cracked. Intercropping. Intercropping really increases income. Sometimes in rice we found incredible increases in yield when you mix different varieties of rice side by side. Some people are doing that, many are not. What's going on? This is the last mile. The last mile is, everywhere, problematic.